Community/Parent Presentation: Social Media Safety with Ronna Glickman

Community/Parent Presentation: Social Media Safety with Ronna Glickman
10/29/2019, 6:30 PM 7:30 PM
Ruben A. Cirillo High School Auditorium

As parents, have you ever asked yourself any of the following questions or experienced these situations:
1. What is the right age to get my child a cell phone or a social media account?
2. Am I invading my child's privacy by looking at their online conversations?
3. My child seems moodier and less social with family and friends since getting a mobile device.
4. I have ongoing arguments with my child about their devices and online activities.

Join Social Media Consultant and Speaker, Ronna Glickman, on Tuesday, October 29th from 6:30-7:30pm at Ruben A. Cirillo High School to get the answers to questions like these and more!

Additional information about Ronna Glickman and her presentations can be found on her website:

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