Health/Attendance Office

Welcome to the HS Health and Attendance Page

Mrs. Laura Hall
High School Nurse
Phone: (315) 986-3521, extension 3160
High School Fax: (315) 986-4726

Health Office Letter

New Vaccine Information:

On June 13, 2019, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed legislation removing non-medical exemptions from school vaccination requirements for children.  Below are documents with information in about this new law.  Your child must be immunized to attend school.

Vaccine Information:

All students entering 7th and 12th grade will need to be vaccinated against meningitis; a single dose of meningococcal vaccine should be administered at age 11 or 12; and a booster shot at 16 or older. 

Athletic registration is required for every sports season. 

Not sure your physical is current?  Call the health office to check the date or call your physician.  Physicals are valid up to one year after the date of the exam.

Medication Information:

No Medications can be given by the nurse without medication orders in writing from your physician, physician's assistant or nurse practitioner .  This is New York state law.

Orders must be renewed each school year.  The following forms can be printed:  Permission to Administer Multiple Medications and Over the Counter Medication Form.

See the Weight Status Reporting document for important information regarding reporting your child's weight status to the state and your opt out options.

New York State Work Permit Requests:

To request a work permit, please download and fill out Part I of this form. Electronic signatures are currently being accepted, or you can print the form to fill it out, then scan it or take a picture of it. Return the form via email to [email protected]. We will need a physical on file that is less than 12 months old, which you can email or fax to 315-986-4726. Once we have the permit request form and the physical, we will be able to provide you with a work permit. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Hall.