VOTE - Request for Additional State Aid for Energy Savings Contract Improvements
- What
- VOTE - Request for Additional State Aid for Energy Savings Contract Improvements
- When
- 6/27/2019, 12:00 PM – 9:00 PM
- Where
- Ruben A. Cirillo High School Gym (Use parking/entrance off of Eddy Road.)
In our continued efforts to save costs, the District has identified energy improvements that will allow us to reduce future energy costs and improve the facilities for student use. The Gananda School Board approved this project at the April 24, 2019 Board meeting. The District will receive 80% reimbursement on the work from the state. The remaining cost will be covered by rebates and savings from instituting energy efficiency measures. If the District receives voter approval, the District will get an additional 10% in aid from the state, more savings for the District. Please read the attached flyer for more information regarding this proposition being put before voters on June 27.
- EPC Brochure Web.pdf 117.93 KB